WWE: 10 Reasons Randy Orton Will Struggle For Relevancy After WrestleMania 30

4. Unlike, Say, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton Has Been Protected By Booking For His Entire Pro Wrestling Career

Let's compare Randy Orton to another great WWE wrestler of the past 15 years, Chris Jericho. Though both very talented wrestlers, Chris Jericho's rise to the WWE championship was MUCH different than Chris Jericho's. Before even hitting WWE, Jericho traveled around the world and learned how to be a money-drawing performer (after initially being less-than-optimally received everywhere he went). From Mexico to Japan to ECW plus (especially) Smoky Mountain and WCW, Jericho has overcome both his stature and need to evolve his in-ring style to become a star. As well, in WWE, he evolved too, going from great promo guy, to dependable mid-card act (remember him co-holding the Intercontinental title with Chyna?) to becoming the first Unified Champion, and then again becoming a smarmy prick as champion. With or without the protection of always being spotlighted as a "top guy," Jericho has always been relevant. By comparison within one year of being on television, Orton was inserted into Evolution (with Batista, Ric Flair and Triple H), and hasn't really had to look up at the top of the card ever since. In his relevancy solely being attached to having top-tier championship status, in not having that anymore, he may lack the ability to fully understand how to still be relevant without being fully ensconced within or near the main event scene.
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Randy Orton
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.