When it comes down to it, Undertaker may not choose to retire against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30, but it could end up being an enforced retirement from a whole host of factors. Perhaps he does commit to wrestling Sting next year, only to find he fails the WWE physical exam next January. By default we could end up with WrestleMania 30 and Brock Lesnar as the last ever Undertaker streak match Calaway's age and injuries really are that much of an issue at this point. They could make the decision for him. WWE themselves may enforce The Undertaker retiring before he gets chance to compete again. The company showed admirable decision making when they moved Kurt Angle on in 2006 due to his physical failures. While I'm not saying the WWE would get rid of The Undertaker, they could certainly tell him he can't wrestle any more. At the end of the day, they don't want the Undertaker success story to end on a bleak note of him appearing at Hall of Fame's with a walking stick five years from now. Both WWE and Calaway want a healthy post-WWE career. Ultimately, it's a realisation wrestling fans need to make. The invincible character you see on television is exactly that, a fictional character. Mark Calaway the human being is a year short of 50 with a whole host of chronic physical problems. There's a chance he calls it a day after beating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30. Enjoy the match as the privilege it is.