WWE: 10 Reasons John Cena Heel Turn Would Be A Mistake

10. We€™ve Seen This Before

While the fans might be digging Bray Wyatt€™s €œunique€ approach to feuding with Cena, it€™s not something that we haven€™t seen before. Not too long ago, in the far distant past of December 2011, Cena had a feud going on with the big red monster Kane where Kane invited Cena to €œembrace the hate€ and give into his anger. It also somewhat involved Zack Ryder and Eve Torres, but let€™s not dive that deep into the angle. Let€™s focus instead on the message Kane was trying to deliver to Cena at the time. €œIt€™s simple, Cena. You have lead all of these people astray. You ask them to rise above hate. But that€™s a fallacy. This world is a dark, dark place. It€™s okay to hate. Humans are hateful by nature. Deep down, everybody hates. Why rise above it when the natural impulse is to embrace it? To let it consume you.€ Now let€™s take a look at what Wyatt said to Cena on an episode of Raw back in February of this year. €œPeople like you, John, you€™re hollow. You€™re full of empty promises. You promise to save these people. You promise to keep them safe. You tell them that everything will be alright just as long you€™re around. Liar. You€™re a liar! You are a liar, John Cena! This is a terrible world. A cold, cold, dark and lonely place. You stand for these illusions, but I stand for everything that is real.€ So far, this feud with Wyatt has followed a path that Cena has already taken with Kane. Cena didn€™t change for Kane, so why would he change for the Wyatts? Hopefully by Extreme Rules the story will go in a different direction, but at the moment that appears to be unlikely.
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.