WWE: 10 Shocking Moments From Raw Which Have Changed Everything

4. Power Shift

By the end of the Raw after Wrestlemania, a new breed of talent was standing tall. And while emerging stars hitting their stride is commonplace at this time of year, it was those the newcomers stood over that provided the real shock. Triple H, Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Sheamus, Batista and Randy Orton all either tasted defeat or ended Raw looking up to younger talent who made their claim for power in the WWE Universe. These six superstars are giants in the game, and it is as much their humility as it is the manner of their dethronement that has sent shockwaves throughout the world. The Shield and Daniel Bryan kicked, speared and beat their opponents down and out of the main event, and have looked near unstoppable with the fans behind them, while the WWE's resident Supermen left the Raw ring beaten and bruised by young bullies with bad attitudes. The new power is here, and look tough to shift.

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