WWE: 10 Steps To Book Brock Lesnar From Now Until WrestleMania 31

7. Vignettes Over The Spring / Summer Promoting The Next Victim

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufYQ034AJ_k Brock Lesnar is underrated as a talker, too many people think he's still the same microphone shy guy from the early 2000's. He isn't. Brock proved an adept promo man in UFC and has also excelled in the WWE video vignettes he has done. He seems and sounds threatening. While Heyman has been great, he has at times overshadowed Brock. The Beast should speak more. As such, WWE should book Lesnar to feature in a series of vignettes over the summer. We know that Brock takes significant time off between Extreme Rules and SummerSlam, but rather than let viewers forget him, WWE should film enough video to feature a new Brock vignette each week of his absence. Keep him a relevant part of the WWE roster. Too often in the last few years he has just been seen as a part timer who pops in now and then. What should be done is the WWE cameras go up to Brock's farm over a weekend and catch all the footage they'll ever need of Lesnar to make for a few months of vignettes. Have him talk seriously and threateningly, promoting that he's in training for a new victim, he has someone in his sights. Show his tough MMA style workouts and violent nature. It can become a weekly Raw segment, 'Lesnar's victim training camp.' It's all about getting him back over as the baddest man on the planet and a threat to anyone he faces.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.