9. Ric Flair
While he may be considered by many of his fans and peers to be the greatest professional wrestler of all-time, for all his successes inside the ring, Ric Flair has had nearly as many setbacks outside of it. In 1996, The Nature Boy became a stylin', profilin', underage DUI ridin', car keys providin', jailed and bailed son of a gun. Wooooo! Flair gave the keys of his car to a 20-year old female whose blood alcohol content was twice the legal limit (thanks to the champ). He was arrested for giving alcohol to a minor and allowing them to drive. Nine years later, in November of 2005, the most decorated world champion in history got into a road rage incident in his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina with another commuter. Flair exited his vehicle and choked the man, but reports that he delivered a few knife-edge chops while onlooking motorists shouted "Woooooo!" are unsubstantiated. This time around Ric was charged with assault and battery as well as damage to personal property, but charges were eventually dropped when the witness failed to show up for court.