WWE: 10 Superstars Who Could Shockingly Return At Elimination Chamber

5. Jeff Jarrett

Jeff has been trumpeting his hopes of starting a new promotion, hopefully with the backing of Toby Keith. Everybody knows that his big problem is getting a TV deal for it. But what if it was all a smokescreen? What are the chances that Jeff has secretly signed a deal as an agent with WWE? What are the chances that instead of signing up a few guys to start a new promotion that he signs them up, acts as their manager, and leads a new faction to feud with HHH and the Shield. All it would take would be during a HHH promo at Elimination Chamber for Jeff's music to hit and out he comes, slaps HHH across the face for an easy crowd pop, grab the mic, say "It's coming and you better be afraid" and leave the ring. Over the next few weeks it would play out as Jeff's band of wrestlers attempt a hostile takeover of sorts. Sound familiar? Probably too familiar. But there would be just enough reality laced into it to make it believable.

I am a teacher, but also write about all things wrestling. I have been writing/interviewing wrestling personalities for over 7 years for both the Wrestling Observer site, as well as The History Of WWE site.