WWE: 10 Things You Might Have Missed This Week

3. Sheamus May Be Turning Heel

Sheamus is an always cocky, always arrogant kind of guy. It's just who he is. So when he became the new United States Champion by winning the 20-man Battle Royal on Raw, a bit of gloating was to be expected. But his backstage interview with the always-lovely Renee Young had a hint of more than just the usual gloating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLwli4ReVy0 The Celtic Warrior was right to point out that he'd been spinning his wheels, and he hinted that changes may be coming. But his last line, "No hard feelings, fella", was just a bit more heel-ish than normal. Can we expect Sheamus to turn on the WWE Universe in the near future?
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John Cena
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