WWE: 10 Times Triple H Consciously Didn't Do What Was "Best For Business"

6. Goldberg Loses To HHH At Summerslam 2003

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diGfxvECOBk So yeah, Goldberg comes into the WWE, beating the Rock to kick off his monster push, and he's clearly on a collision course with HHH to win the World title. Goldberg beats dudes left and right for a bit and then loses his enthusiasm for the whole deal while the company kind of buries him on the corporate side, but for the millions he was getting paid you knew he was getting the belt eventually. So this thrilling build leads up to Summerslam 2003, where something amazing happens and people actually are INTO the Goldberg act, and he's the sixth guy in an Elimination Chamber match where HHH is defending the title. This would seem like a no-brainer way to change the title, right? Goldberg comes out last, plows through 4 other dorks with spears and jackhammers, beats HHH to win the belt. Not to mention that HHH was suffering from a groin injury and had to wear oh-so-sexy bicycle shorts to cover it up, and thus probably wouldn't be around for a while anyway. So instead what we get is Goldberg demolishing the four other guys while HHH sits in the pod and does nothing, only to come out and immediately pin him with the sledgehammer, because apparently the money is ALWAYS in the chase, even if the babyfaces never get to win and no one is making any money. Thankfully Goldberg won the belt at Unforgiven the next month, but the damage was long done by that point and it ended up meaning little.
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Scott Keith is a wrestling blogger and general smart-ass, residing at blogofdoom.com, aka Scott's Blog of Doom! Scott began slacking off in Computing Science classes in university, and discovered the wonderful world of writing online in 1993, and has never looked back since then. You may wish to purchase books by Scott on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS89P0