1. Everyone Can Relate To Daniel Bryan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttiGTC5B2gg When it comes to selecting our heroes in the entertainment that we choose to consume, we always look for ways to relate to the hero. With this, we're able to put our own life story into the character. We like to correlate their traits with our traits so that we can truly invest in the journey on which they're about to embark. Likewise, since we do relate to these characters, we're able to become emotionally attached. When they triumph, we triumph. When they fall, we fall with them. It's a sort of bond that's necessary to enjoy any form of media that involves a large suspension of disbelief. Daniel Bryan has successfully integrated his character into that ideology in a way that only one other man has actually done before. Mick Foley was overweight and not the most attractive guy on the roster. Because there was nothing overtly "special" about him, we all gravitated to him and his title aspirations. People like Austin or Rock were still very likable, but they lacked the normal guy feel that makes us embrace people like Daniel Bryan. A fair portion of the WWE Universe is taller than Daniel Bryan. Hell, an okay portion of the WWE Universe may even be stronger than Daniel Bryan. We see ourselves in Daniel Bryan. We see our daily struggles juxtaposed with our daily triumphs, and it's all wrapped up in a story that has taken so many twists and turns. If Daniel Bryan wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, most of the WWE Universe will feel like they have a stake in that victory. Daniel Bryan has created the ultimate persona to cheer for, and it would be an incredible injustice if we don't see this story culminate with the outcome everyone desires at Wrestlemania 30.
Andrew Hypes
I'm Andrew Hypes, and I'm aspiring to take over the world with my writing. I'm a senior at Capital University studying Journalism and Creative Writing. For the most part, I'll be writing about the WWE, but I'll try to get myself acclimated to other sections as well. For now, though, enjoy my musings on the insane world of Professional Wrestling.
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