WWE: 10 Wrestlers Who Deserve To Be Repackaged

1. Wade Barrett

I'm afraid I have some bad news... Wade Barret's gimmick is awful. The execution is awful and his delivery is just as bad. Everything he says is just laughable. I'm not really sure what the WWE is doing. This is Barrett's 3rd gimmick since joining the WWE in 2010. He's had THREE gimmick changes in 4 years. That's unbelievable. What was believable was when he was the leader and mouthpiece of Nexus. That was some special TV. After the original Nexus disbanded, Barrett became the leader of The Corre (which was an utter disaster), needless to say that didn't last long. Barrett was taken off TV and repackaged as a 'bare knuckle brawler' and the Barrett Barrage had begun. NO ONE bought it. It just didn't work. Now? Now we have this, this bad news gimmick where he doesn't even wrestle. Bad News Barrett isn't getting over, at all. No one is buying into it, and more importantly, no one cares. It's sad to see because Barrett has SO much potential. He could be a WWE Champion. He won't be with this gimmick. I'm just afraid if the WWE doesn't try and stop the bleeding soon, he's going to be future endeavored Wade Barrett. Who do you think needs to be repackaged? Be heard.
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Former member of Jesse and the Rippers. Obsessed with wrestling. I'd only wear sweat pants and jerseys if it were socially acceptable. Beard enthusiast. Lover of sports, gaming, tattoos, writing, music, poker, tv, movies, food, sarcasm, laughing, debating and all things Louis C.K. and Larry David. Also if you have and or ever thought about wearing a visor and or fanny pack, I'm afraid we can't be friends.