1. Bret Hart
The ultimate ego in pro wrestling belongs to Bret "The Hitman" Hart. When Bret claims to be "the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be", he really believes that. If you read his lengthy autobiography you will get some idea of how much regard Bret holds himself in: it is as if he feels a need to prove to the reader how good he is, and he keenly details how well he did in drawing numbers and merchandise sales. The actual truth is that Bret was quite average, and business was down with him as the main selling point in WWF. Hart is also way too convinced of his own in ring ability; he was certainly a good wrestler he was, but the best ever? No way. He could be methodical at times, and would do the same move set in many of his bouts, in comparison to Shawn Michaels, who was a far better worker, and that ultimately is what wound Bret up so much about Shawn. Bret's ego just couldn't handle the fact that somebody was better than him. The Bret ego extends in his book to detail how poor the likes of Triple H and others were as workers. Bret goes on say Vince, Shawn and Hunter killed wrestling and killed the Hitman and that he would never go back to the WWE - which in retrospect was a load of rubbish, given that he did just that in 2010, unable to resist the limelight. But perhaps the ultimate demonstration of Bret Hart's ego came in 1997, when he refused to lose in Canada because he was a "Canadian hero". Hart really did see himself along the same lines of a Wayne Gretzky, a national n icon who everybody loved. He had lost sight of the truth, that he was just an actor in director Vince McMahon's play. The ultimate wrestling ego would result in the Montreal screwjob, and the business changed forever. Did we miss any of the most infamous egos in wrestling? Share your own thoughts below.