WWE: 10 Wrestlers Who Could Become The Next Face Of Wrestling

3. Dolph Ziggler

dolph ziggler WWE's Show-Off, Dolph Ziggler is one of the best sellers in the WWE currently, and possibly ever. With the Money in the Bank briefcase, Dolph Ziggler is currently going to be the World Heavyweight Champion in less than a year. This is amazing news for someone who is going to be the face of the WWE. Like the Attitude Era where the Rock and Stone Cold were the two main faces, in my opinion, Ziggler, and the Miz are going to be the two who are ready to become the face of the company. Dolph Ziggler is phenomenal, both in the ring and on the mic, and he completely deserves to be the face, since he works hard and improves every single night. It would be a shame if Ziggler isn't the face of the WWE. He looks good, talks well, and is incredible in the ring, which makes him an excellent candidate to be the face of the WWE.
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