WWE: 10 Wrestlers Whose Lives Were Ruined By Substance Abuse

1. Davey Boy Smith

Davey Boy Smith 'The British Bulldog' cut his teeth in British wrestling along with his cousin Tom Billington - The Dynamite Kid. It soon became clear that they were destined for greater things and they crossed the water to Stu Hart's Stampede Wrestling where they were trained in Hart's infamous dungeon. After a spell in Japan, Davey Boy was offered a contract with the WWE as a tag team with Dynamite Kid - they were known as the Bulldogs and they soon had a feud going with The Hart Foundation. And they also had a feud in which they pinched the tag team title from The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake). A backstage prank gone wrong led to a real life feud between The Bulldogs and The Rougeau Brothers which culminated in Jacques Rougeau knocking out four of the Dynamite Kid's teeth. The Bulldogs left the WWE but Davey returned between 1990-1992 as The British Bulldog. At this stage in WWE, professional wrestling had become wildly popular in Britain thanks to SKY satellite TV. Smith was lukewarm popular in the USA but highly popular in his native UK. The WWE exploited his popularity. Smith toured Britain as a top billing - his finest hour came in Summerslam 1992 which was held in Wembley Stadium - Smith beat Hart for the Intercontinental championship which is just about the pinnacle of his career. However, it was soon revealed that Smith and the Ultimate Warrior had been getting human growth hormones shipped to them from England - both were given the heave ho from the WWE Smith returned in 1994, but didn't really achieve much. He almost won the Royal Rumble but was defeated by Shawn Michaels. He tag teamed with Lex Luger, but they were not successful. Things picked up for Davey when he began tag teaming with his brother in law - Owen Hart. In 1997, Smith was the first ever recipient of the WWE European Championship. The Hart Foundation was reformed as a bunch of heels and they feuded with wrestlers like Stone Cold causing a rift between American fans who hated the Hart Foundation and Canadian fans that loved them. Smith's career was not going well. Wracked with injuries and blighted by drug abuse, he entered rehab several times but he had multiple problems with morphine, pain killers, sleeping tablets, muscle relaxants. He also had to endure a spinal infection in a ring accident in 1998. He received notice of his sacking as he lay in agony in a hospital bed. In 2000, his wife divorced him. On 18 May 2002, Smith suffered a fatal heart attack whilst on holiday with his girlfriend. An autopsy showed that his steroid and growth hormone use were probably at least partially to blame. A tragically short end for a considerable wrestling powerhouse.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!