WWE: 11 Reasons Brock Lesnar Breaking The Streak Is Justified

7. It Followed The Theme Of WrestleMania 30

Barring the fact that John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt, WrestleMania 30 had an admirable theme going for it the moment Stone Cold Steve Austin got on the microphone and single-handedly put over the entire roster; he stated that this is their night to rise up and lay everything they have on the line and leave it all in the ring. If this theme wasn't already obvious, it became even more clear as the night went on; Daniel Bryan heroically overcame impossible odds from The Authority, Cesaro body-slammed Big Show stylistically reminiscent to Hulk Hogan lifting and slamming the Eighth Wonder of the World, Andre the Giant, The Shield dominated Kane and the New Age Outlaws in roughly 2 minutes, and Brock Lesnar broke The Undertaker's coveted streak. The entire show was a celebration of legends while simultaneously passing the torch off to a much younger generation. Realistically speaking, it's true that Brock Lesnar is much older than most athletes on the roster, but he still is at an age where he could believably compete and act as a huge draw for future WrestleManias. Even more enticing is the prospect of building a new annual attraction around Brock Lesnar, because let's face it...

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.