WWE: 12 Former TNA & WCW Stars Who Didn't Live Up To Expectations

6. Mark Jindrak

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRSBO1lp-bY Another WCW Power Plant graduate who ended up a member of The Natural Born Thrillers, Jindrak won the Tag Team Championships twice with Sean O'Haire. During the tag team switcheroo within the Thrillers Jindrak ended up paired with Stasiak until the latter joined up with Ms. Hancock and Jindrak was taken off TV. In WWE's buyout of WCW Jindrak's contract moved across to the new company but despite a few Heat appearances he spent all of his time in development until he was finally called up to Raw two years later. Despite original plans that had him as Evolution's enforcer (the role that Batista would get instead) he would debut as a face before teaming up with Garrison Cade. The team ended up splitting as Jindrak was traded to SmackDown where he became narcissistic, dubbed 'The Reflection of Perfection' and temporarily paired with Theodore Long, who left to become General Manager before Jindrak aligned himself with Kurt Angle and Luther Reigns in their rivalry with the Big Show, who they shaved bald in one of his highlights in the company. Jindrak and Reigns split from their leader to feud with Undertaker, which ultimately ended up splitting the duo with Jindrak once again turning face. Jindrak defeated his former partner but saw no benefit as he was shipped to Velocity before one final match on Raw after a supplemental trade and getting released. Final Assessment: Jindrak may have only had limited success in WCW but he showed himself to have some of the largest potential from within The Natural Born Thrillers group. WWE obviously saw the potential, planning to place him in the Evolution stable that made stars of Randy Orton and Batista but creative changed their minds. They placed him with Lex Luger's old narcissist gimmick and a credible manager in Long, but scrapped it at a moments notice when Long became General Manager and never followed through on it. And despite being the victorious one in the splitting of Angle's stable, he was once again forgotten about.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.