WWE: 12 Great Wrestlers Totally Screwed By Comedy Gimmicks

12 & 11. Jesse And Festus

CM Punk may have saved Luke Gallows from being the dimwitted Festus, but he wasn't able to save Jesse from continuing to be a joke. Jesse and Festus were made to be the ultimate hick characters. Festus was kind of like Lenny from Of Mice and Men, but with even less speech skills. Jesse was his buddy who made sure he didn't squeeze the puppy too hard. The sound of the bell being rung would set something off in Festus that made him turn violent, with the only person safe from his onslaught being Jesse. Drew Hankinson portrayed Festus before moving on to the Luke Gallows character, who was a more serious character in CM Punk's Straight Edge Society. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nQSaP8o7WU Ray Gordy, son of Terry Gordy, played Jesse until he changed his name to Slam Master J and took on a wannabe rapper gimmick. It's hard to say if he was worse off as a hick or a rapper, but he ended up being released anyway. Both the wrestlers who portrayed Jesse and Festus had a lot to offer, but they were given an awful gimmick that had no chance of going anywhere beyond the tag team division.
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Brodus Clay
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I have been a writer for Bleacher Report for several years, and am now happy to also be a writer at What Culture! I do my best to contribute anywhere I can in a positive way, and that includes in my writing. Some people call me The Doctor, but Chris is fine.