WWE: 12 Greatest Female Valets In The Business

8. Sunny

Tammy Lynn Sytch, better known to 1990s WWE fans as Sunny, rose to fame in a relatively short stint. She began as part of the Bodydonnas with Skip (Chris Candido). Zip joined the team soon after and Sunny led the Bodydonnas to a Tag Team Championship. Sunny's popularity came at just the right time with wrestling fans getting internet access, making her AOL's most downloaded woman in 1996. She knew exactly how to use her beauty to her advantage and trade up whenever she needed, tossing aside the Bodydonnas for the Godwinns, then leaving the Godwinns for the Smoking Gunns. Her last stop in WWE was with Legion of Doom 2000. Once the WWE's Sunny days came to an end, she was able to make a brief transition into Extreme Championship Wrestling. Sunny was one of the all-time greats. Championship gold and brevity are what Sunny offered to the teams she managed, and that first offering made the second worthwhile.
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Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.