WWE: 12 Reasons CM Punk Will Return At Chicago Raw On Monday

8. WWE Haven't Done An Austin Smear Job On Punk

vince mcmahon In 2002 Steve Austin walked out on WWE over creative and was absolutely crucified for it. Vince McMahon put together a smear job that cast Austin as a selfish egotistical performer who didn't care about the fans. Jim Ross and The Rock were booked to criticise Austin on air and WWE even ran a documentary piece on Austin screwing the company over. A couple of years later WWE gave Brock Lesnar similar treatment when he decided to leave WWE, booking him as a joke at Wrestlemania 20 and lumbering 'The Beast' with prohibitive legal agreements. The fact is that Vince has a vicious streak. He takes the business personally and has a historical record of burying any talent who cross the company. With Punk the WWE has reacted far more graciously, in no way doing anything to criticise or smear the star. That must have created some goodwill for Punk, keeping the relationship calm enough to open future lines of communication. WWE haven't buried Punk which leaves the door wide open for a Chicago showing for the star next week.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.