WWE: 12 Worst Entrance Songs Of All Time

7. Wade Barrett - Various

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwTymmNSIhE Wade Barrett has had more bad themes in his first few years than most wrestlers have had themes full stop over the course of their career. For a spell it seemed like every week he would come out to a slight variation on his theme that made it sound even worse. Barrett has often discussed on Twitter and in interviews that he would like to have Welsh band Manic Street Preachers pen a theme for him, and the band's Nicky Wire has stated on several occasions that they would be open to it - so why does Barrett keep getting the shaft? His recent shift to portraying Bad News Barrett on WWE television might mean that a new theme is incoming - it will probably be terrible.
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English guy, usually found knocking around Edinburgh. Likes films and that kind of thing.