WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

2. Eddie's New Ride

The entire 2003 feud between Eddie Guerrero and Big Show was especially gross and juvenile. One week Big Show was spitting in Eddie's food, the next Eddie would retaliate with laxative-laden burritos; so it was not an encouraging sign when during an in-ring segment with Big Show, Eddie came ringside with his new ride: a septic truck. As Big Show attempted to retreat to the back he was chased by Eddie, who was wielding the hose that led inside the tank. Despite Show's pleading he soon found himself getting sprayed down by blasts of brown septic sludge. Big Show has been put in a variety of embarrassing angles over the years but being covered in bursts of liquid poo, slipping and falling the whole time is the worst of them all. Inter-cutting shots of the ringside crowd recoiling in disgust, holding their noses, mouths, and generally looking ill drove home the point that while it may not have been real poop, it sure looked and smelled that way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKJSU_0qemQ

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.