WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

10. Titus Gets Sick

One of the more recent stomach-churning moments to happen in WWE came just after Thanksgiving of 2013 during a match pitting Titus O'Neil against Antonio Cesaro. Titus had won an eating contest earlier in the night so Cesaro wisely targeted his opponent's stomach with strikes and gut-wrench throws, before the last straw came when he used the Cesaro Swing. Titus became visibly sick and grabbed for the nearest receptacle, which happened to be JBL's hat, and threw up into it - and as if that wasn't gross enough he then dumped the hat on Michael Cole. Despite airing on Smackdown with little "Censor-Turkey" images over O'Neil's mouth, the whole ordeal (continuing with O'Neil attempting to vomit on Zeb Colter) was particularly sickening. Watching other people throw up often causes copycat reflexes, so it's likely O'Neil's unplanned regurgitation wasn't the only one that night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mISvpJnNWcA

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.