WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

8. Mae Young Gives A Hand

Although the human body is a beautiful thing and we're taught to respect our elders, there is nothing more disconcerting than the thought of Mae Young and Mark Henry hooking up. And that's just what happened during the Attitude Era as Henry focused on love instead of war, trading in the "World's Strongest Man" moniker for "Sexual Chocolate." Not only did the pair enjoy the pleasures of the flesh grossing out fans far and wide, Mae Young also soon dropped a bombshell: she was pregnant and Mark was the father. Naturally, Henry and Young would have to overcome a variety of problems before they got Young to the delivery room: namely Viscera splashing the pregnant 77-year old and the Dudley Boyz giving her a powerbomb or two. Finally, Mae would go into labour and as the world looked on thoroughly disgusted and horrified, Mae would bring a hand covered in fluids and goo into the world to the collected bafflement of the entire watching WWE world. Nobody was quite sure what it meant but everyone was simultaneous searching for a barf bag making it one of the most grossest moments in WWE history. Years later WWE would often poke fun at this inexplicable story line. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn2uZ9eKDio

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.