WWE: 15 Most Powerful Non-Wrestlers Ever

13. Shane McMahon

Shane-O-Mac! Vince McMahon€™s only son was thought for years to be the heir-apparent to the wrestling throne. Many forget that Shane (above, right) got his start with the company as a referee, and didn€™t really enter the storyline fold until 1998 when Vince began his historical feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin. After that, he began to interject himself into more prominent roles, such as taking over the Corporation (then the Corporate Ministry, but whatever), getting involved in matches, and making several heel and face turns as the years progressed. But then came Shane€™s crowning on-screen achievement. On the final Monday Nitro, WCW€™s flagship program, the WWE was set to announce their takeover of WCW, and as such did a simulcast of the two shows in the last segment. Vince walked out on Raw to announce the takeover, but an indelible moment ensued as Shane walked out on WCW television. This was a historical, as no one from WWE had ever set foot on WCW television while under contract, much less one of the rival€™s owners. Shane announced that he was, in fact, taking over WCW, and so began a fan-favorite storyline of WCW vs. WWE. Shane made a bunch more sporadic appearances as the years went on, but then in 2010, he did something unexpected. He left the WWE. Not in the storyline fashion, but for real. Shane left to carve out a niche for himself away from the company, and so far, he€™s been successful at it. We may never see him in a storyline role again.

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