WWE: 18 Most Important Decisions In History Of WrestleMania

7. The Hall Of Fame And Axxess - 2004

With WrestleMania celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2004, the decision was made to bring back the WWE Hall Of Fame as a big scale production. Taking place the night before Mania, it has developed into one of the key aspects around the annual WrestleMania extravaganza. It has helped to further the special feel around the WrestleMania name, giving a degree of prestige to the brand as if it's all part of a bigger and greater legacy. The decision to have a major show on the eve of WrestleMania has also resulted in the term 'WrestleMania weekend.' No longer is Mania just a one off event, it's a full on experience, a multi-day vacation for fans to a wrestling paradise. The other decision which has developed the Mania brand was a pre-event 'Axxess'. These convention style fan festivals combined with the Saturday Hall of Fame show have made WrestleMania far more than your usual trip to see a wrestling show.
WWE Writer

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