WWE: 18 Most Important Decisions In History Of WrestleMania

15. Hogan Vs Andre

The way Vince managed to fill all those WrestleMania seats and distribute the show on a televised pop culture scale was by booking the ultimate main event he could €” Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant for the WWF Championship. It was one of the most high profile matches in wrestling history, the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. The feud was promoted upon mainstream television, which ended up becoming the standard for selling PPV rivalries. It was arguably Vince's greatest ever booking decision. Sure, many great feuds followed this, but Mania 3's main event provided the foundation for all further success to be based upon. Hogan and Andre put the WWF into popular mainstream consciousness, whether people watched it or not, general people now knew about Hulk Hogan and the WWF. It was a financial success and provided the historical "slam heard around the world."
WWE Writer

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