WWE: 20 Worst Wrestling Ring Names Ever

17. Grandmaster Sexay

We couldn't cover Scotty 2 Hotty without also shining an accusatory light on his tag team partner Grandmaster Sexay. It's a name that is terrible for so many reasons: nothing like a real person's name? Check. Preposterously grandiose title? Check. Deliberately misspelt word alluding to his apparent appeal to the opposite gender? Big check. If he had ever had a singles run with this name, can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to explain to non-wrestling fans why crowds were chanting "Let's go Sexay!" at the top of their lungs?

16. Justin Credible

Having previously gone under the names PJ Polaco, PJ Walker, Aldo Montoya and the peculiar PG-187 it was only once he got to ECW that Peter Polaco would find his niche as a cocky, grungy, egomaniac and would pick a name to match: Justin Credible. One of the undisputed kings of the awful ring name, Credible embraced his cringeworthy name by incorporating it into a catchphrase that felt like a knock-off of Bret Hart's "the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be". "That's not just the coolest, that's not just the best, that my friends, is Justin Credible!" will have to go down in wrestling history as one of the most ridiculous things anyone with a ridiculous name has ever said.
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RIchard is a freelance writer who fell in love with wrestling when he first saw Bret Hart make someone tap out to the Sharpshooter. He writes here for WhatCulture but you can also find him on his personal website at http://eatworkgame.co.uk/