"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." The wise words of William Shakespeare there, telling us that names are ultimately of no consequence. You can tell that good old Bill was never a wrestling booker though because if he were, he'd know that names are important. Very important indeed. For every "Stone Cold" Steve Austin there is a Puke, for every Ric Flair there is a Red Rooster. Nobody ever got to the main event with a ridiculous name; well, except for maybe The Undertaker. How he got away with that name for so long is one of wrestling's greatest mysteries. But who are the biggest offenders in wrestling history? Who walked down to the ring with a name that made you cringe, scratch your head or flat out scream "DEAR GOD WHY?!" Let's take a look at the worst of the worst and show that Shakespeare could not have been more wrong if he tried.
20. Test
Kids lie awake at night dreading his inevitable arrival. University students have their future livelihoods in the palms of his massive hands. It's Test! The late Andrew Martin was a huge, imposing figure with impressive athleticism and a devastating big boot but he was stricken with a curse that affects so many prospects in WWE: a terrible ring name. The idea behind it is clearly that he is a major "test" for his opponents, but surely that's what every wrestler should be. Calling him Test is akin to calling him "Obstacle" or "Opponent". Actually, "Obstacle" might have been better, at least fans would have been able to chant it; single syllable ring names are a millstone around the neck of any wrestler's career.
RIchard is a freelance writer who fell in love with wrestling when he first saw Bret Hart make someone tap out to the Sharpshooter. He writes here for WhatCulture but you can also find him on his personal website at http://eatworkgame.co.uk/