WWE: 3 Future On-Screen Roles For Vickie Guerrero

vickie guerrero Vickie Guerrero is one of WWE's best talents. A cougar-ish appeal and a sense of style, Guerrero has everything she wants in the WWE, and currently, she holds the position of the 'Managing Supervisor' of RAW, which basically is the general manager of the show. Along with Brad Maddox, Vickie Guerrero makes all the decisions and she's a big part of the WWE. Currently, her position on the flagship show of the WWE is A-class, yet, the question still hovers over her head: what next? After Vickie Guerrero is done with being the supervisor, and when the WWE needs change, Vince McMahon will employ a different General Manager, which will leave Guerrero to do nothing. This would obviously be disappointing, since Guerrero is talented, and is one of the most fluent mic workers in the WWE. Her ability to receive heat from the crowds is top class, and there's no shame in admitting that she's one of the best heels in the WWE. Therefore, what will she do next, after her position is taken away? That's where I step in. The following are three scenarios where Vickie Guerrero can step in, and change the WWE in her own way. Here are a few storylines for Vickie Guerrero, so that she remains a relevant part of Monday Nights...

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