WWE: 3 Top Stars Who Could Quit Following CM Punk's Shock Exit

CM Punk's departure from WWE continues to be a hot topic of Pro Wrestling news this week, a full fortnight after it happened. Punk's exit is attributed to a combination of burnout, nagging injuries, other medical issues and unhappiness with the creative direction of his character, as well as the company overall, going into WrestleMania 30. One particular rumour states that Punk was unhappy about working a programme with HHH, as he felt it was beneath him at this stage of his career to be anything less than the Main Event. Bryan Alvarez & Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer have reported that within the company, opinion is split nearly 50/50 regarding Punk's departure. Half the people feel he is a hero for daring to walk away from Vince and WWE during the most important (and financially lucrative) period of the wrestling year, standing up for his principles. The other 50% are apparently happy to see the back of Punk, who was viewed as always being unhappy, complaining and entitled when it came to how he felt he should be handled creatively. No official word yet on which camp HHH falls into, but it has been reported by insider news publications that Vince McMahon is personally handling the Punk situation, in an effort to get him back on side as soon as possible. Stars walking away from WWE in unplanned circumstances is a rarity in the era of 1 major league promotion. In the 80s and 90s, guys could go from to WWF to WCW and vice versa if they were unhappy with pay, creative, politics or whatever their grievance was. The last time a high profile star walked out on McMahon was Stone Cold Steve Austin in the Summer of 2002, in a similar circumstance citing burnout, injury and unhappiness with creative direction. It's been said that a large part of Punk's discontentment stemmed from part-time/past stars returning in Spring, and being handed Main Event spots at WrestleMania, traditionally the highest paying positions on the card, while he and his peers worked the other 11 months of the year to keep eyes on the product. This is a sentiment shared by many fans and even echoed by some of the wrestlers in interviews, citing a lack of motivation to truly excel and shine when the big Mania spots are reserved for part-timers. Punk is not the only person in WWE with very legitimate gripes and a just cause to walk out the door. Punk is one of a very small handful of guys who, in leaving, can generate this amount of buzz, as he is a near-top marquee name in professional wrestling today. However, there are a few other wrestlers, all of whom share legitimate gripes with how they have been underutilised/mishandled, who could add to that momentum if they supported Punk in his walkout. So, as Bill Goldberg said, Who's Next?

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