WWE "Ambulance Destruction" Toy Courts Controversy
Controversy cast in plastic: Has Al Snow's unfortunate head accessory finally been topped?

Professional wrestling is not without its controversy, if Eric Bischoff is to be believed it is even financially beneficial.
It is only fitting that when the industry's stars are recreated in plastic this controversy carries over to the toy box, with the most infamous case beinng Al Snow with "decapitated head" accessory. The latest case concerns WWE's Wrekkin' Slambulance playset.
Despite the playset being released in early 2020, it has courted controversy after a concerned parent saw Smyths Toys Superstores advertise the set. Bea Fitzsimons posted on the retailer's Facebook page:
"Can I ask what the logic is in advertising a toy which encourages the destruction of an ambulance? (WWE Slamulance [sic]) At a time during a pandemic when there are active campaigns to reduce violence towards essential workers? And considering what the NHS has done for us over the past year I find the toy and advert for it offensive and inappropriate. I would like to know why your company felt this was a good toy to get behind and advertise???"
Despite the complaint being posted almost one month ago, it has now been picked up by media websites such as Lad Bible and the Daily Star. Fitzsimons continued her crusade after feeling fobbed off by Smyths, whose reply she read as "sorry it offended you."
She accused the toy retailer of missing the point and continued to wage war with the plastic playset, branding it as "crossing a line of ethics and morals" and "[advocating] violence against emergency workers." Fitzsimons is seeking acknowledgement from the company that she has a "valid point."
It should be noted that the playset does not include emergency worker action figures.