WWE: 4 Pros & 4 Cons Of Sting Joining In 2014

2. Con - What If WWE Doesn't Book Him Right

Diamond Dallas Page When WWE bought WCW in 2001, they brought in a lot of talent and let others just sit on the sideline until WWE felt like the time was right to bring them in. People like Booker T, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome were a big part of the Invasion storyline that summer in WWE. However, a lot of big names like Bill Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and others were not used right away. The main reason is because they had huge contracts that Turner still had to pay, so WWE waited for them to run out before they brought them in. Remember the initial run of Diamond Dallas Page in WWE? It was not a great time for DDP as he debuted as a heel that was stalking The Undertaker's wife at the time named Sara (now divorced). It was a stupid storyline that also didn't make a lot of sense because most fans knew that DDP was married to Kimberly Page (now divorced) and it wasn't the DDP we wanted. We wanted the babyface DDP. Eventually he came back around to his old self, but it also showed that WWE didn't know how to use WCW talent the right. Bill Goldberg is another name of a WCW guy that WCW brought in two years after WCW closed. He only lasted one year. His impact in WWE was minimal. Part of it was on Goldberg for not being that great of a performer and part of it was simply because the booking was bad. Scott Steiner returned to WWE in 2002 (he was a part of the company a decade earlier with his brother Rick) as a former WCW main eventer that received a lot of hype. His first feud was with Triple H. His match with Hunter at Royal Rumble 2003 was one of the most brutal main event level matches ever. He was never able to rebound from it. Was it on him or was it the booking? It's not like fans are that interested in Posedown Challenges and Arm Wrestling like we got in that feud. A lot of the stories about Sting over the years are about how he is apprehensive about going to WWE because of the unknown. What if they don't use him right? It makes sense for him to feel that way considering how WWE has booked other former WCW stars in the past.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.