WWE: 5 Awesome Feuds And 5 That Sucked

1. Ric Flair vs Ricky The Dragon Steamboat

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZcCmEKJ2ng If you didn't see this coming, then you must be a newer wrestling fan. Or you don't know me very well. Or something. Whatever the case, this is one of my favorite feuds of all time. It also contains what is still to this day my favorite wrestling match of all time. While Ric Flair has never been my favorite wrestler, and I have always felt that he was overrated, I cannot deny that he truly is one of the best of all time. His opponent for this feud is perhaps my favorite wrestler of all time. Even Flair has proclaimed Steamboat's greatness, stating that he is the greatest babyface of all time in Flair's WWE dvd match collection. These 2 wrestled not 1, but 2 different trilogies which are heralded as some of the greatest wrestling contests of all time. However, it is the first trilogy of matches which draws my eye, as it contains without a doubt what is still my favorite match. Those of you who are familiar with the trilogy are no doubt asking, which could it be? Is it the Chi Town Rumble match, with the ref bump and the will he/won't he of Tommy Long upholding Teddy Long's decision? I say nay, though that one is quite a good match in its own right. Surely it must be the Wrestlewar 1989 match, as it is clearly the best of the 3 trilogy matches as far as wrestling goes. Again I say nay, though I recognize the greatness of the match, and I love the post match angle with Terry by God Funk. However it is the Clash of the Champions 2/3 falls match which takes the cake for me. It's an hour of pure pro wrestling goodness, and there is nothing I can say bad about this match. It took place 3 years after my birth, I have seen thousands of wrestling matches since it occurred, but there has never been a match that has topped the greatness of this match. When you add all 3 of these together, plus lump in the second trilogy in the early 90's of WCW, then there is virtually no way for this feud to not make the top of my list for today. Flair and Steamboat are 2 technicians who were at the height of their game, and delivered one of the greatest feuds in the history of wrestling, both from a work rate standpoint, and from a story telling standpoint. Thank you Flair and Steamboat, for the masterpieces which you have laid before us. I hope that they are always remembered for what they were: greatness.
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I am an ordained Baptist minister from Texas. I am married to a wonderful woman and we are expecting our first child in September. I love Jesus, sports, video games, and pro wrestling.