WWE: 5 Awesome Intercontinental Champions and 5 That Sucked

2. Ezekiel Jackson

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23hEd-xGjTY In the grand wrestling staple of bodyguards turned active wrestlers, Ezekiel Jackson has to be one of the worst. Or at least right up there with Mr. Hughes. Unlike, say Diesel, Ezekiel should€™ve remained in a bodyguard capacity. But the heart wants what it wants and we all know Vince McMahon likes €˜em big. And you can€™t say the WWE didn€™t try to make something out of Ezekiel Jackson. They made him the last ECW Champion, which after April 4, 2001 is not really saying much. He was also a prominent member of the Corre -- the SmackDown answer to the Nexus. Then, for some reason, they gave him an IC Title run by defeating Wade Barrett, which made no sense considering the roll Barrett was on. His time as champion lasted just shy under a month which was highlighted by rematches against Barrett and title defenses against Ted DiBiase. An obviously memorable title run. The only good thing that came out of Zeke€™s IC championship win was losing it to Cody Rhodes, who brought back that beautiful classic Intercontinental title.
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When not toiling away in day job obscurity, writes unproduced screenplays. Obsessed with professional wrestling, film, TV, music, and comics. And yes, in that order. Doesn’t mind spoilers. Follow him on twitter @olschooljabroni or e-mail him at oldschooljabronies@gmail.com. Or visit the www.oldschooljabronies.com.