WWE: 5 Heel Turns That Worked (And 5 That Didn't)

3. Hulk Hogan (1996)

It was Hulk Hogan that Kevin Nash and Scott Hall joined forces with to form the New World Order. Like Nash and Michaels, Hogan was a top babyface before he turned heel, but he wasn't just a top babyface for a year, he was a top babyface for an astonishing TWELVE years before he turned his back on the fans and infamously told them to "Stick it (brother)" at Bash at the Beach. It was a brilliant career move by Hogan. By 1994 and 1995, fans were getting tired of Hogan's repetitive babyface routine (start a match on fire, get pummeled, hulk up, win match). The NWO allowed Hogan to completely re-invent his character, becoming the ultra-annoying babyface who ducked challengers, and relied heavily on interference from his comrades to win matches. It was also during this time that WCW attained its greatest success. Monday Nitro beat Monday Night Raw in the ratings 84 weeks straight, and Starrcade '97 garnered a phenomenal (and WCW's best ever) buyrate. Not many people can make a claim to being wrestling's top babyface and top heel. Hulk Hogan is somebody who can.
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Student at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Former Arts student at Memorial Universiy of Newfoundland. Passionate wrestling fan since 1996. Currently living in Halifax, Nova Scotia but originally from Newfoundland and Labrador.