1. Stevie Richards
For those of you who do not know, the man above this paragraph is Michael Manna. If you do know him, you know him as Stevie Richards. The reason he tops the list of past talents that are underused is because he is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. Richards has never gotten the chance to be a top guy, and I believe that is quite a travesty because he is a great worker and he has worked harder than pretty much any top WWE guy in recent years. However, there were always things against him. For one, Richards worked for the WWE during a time when promotions were still very much against using someone in a top role that they did not create themselves. For example, look at Bret Hart in WCW, and Christ Benoit in WWE. Both came to their new company as the champion of the other company, and were both squandered in their initial debuts. Richards began as a lackey for Raven in ECW, and was basically just there to make Raven laugh. However, in the WWE Richards was over a number of different times, but was never pushed. In fact, though it was created just out of spite for real life enemies of WWE, I felt that Richards' Right to Censor stable was one of the best heel groups of the era. Richards was brilliant in his role, and I loved the possibilities of the group. Of course, the main reason Richards makes this list is because he was held down in one instance by Vince which is inexcusable. Richards and Blue Meanie were doing a series of vignettes based on the Blair Witch Project, which was probably the biggest thing in the world at the time. However, even though it seemed it was getting over, it was canned almost immediately because Vince McMahon had never heard of the movie. Good look, great talent, and ridiculous work ethic, all held down because of arrogance and ignorance of current trends. Truly a sad day.
Cory Lynn Schibler
I am an ordained Baptist minister from Texas. I am married to a wonderful woman and we are expecting our first child in September. I love Jesus, sports, video games, and pro wrestling.
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