WWE: 5 Under-Rated Wrestling Stables

1. Team RECK

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFJdhkcbkSo At a time when the WWF was cramming whatever heels it could find together into groups, when the shadow of the McMahon/Helmsley Facgime threatened to overpower the company, three of the nerdiest heels to emerge in 2000 joined forces. They were Edge, Christian, and Kurt. They were Team ECK. Forget everything you know of TNA Kurt Angle going on pretend dates with fat transvestites and insulting his wife, because Kurt Angle Version 2000 was the definitive model: an arrogant nerdish goofball who loved milk, the three I's, and being the first ever Eurocontinental Champion besides D'Lo. When he joined forces with everyones favorite tag team ever,Edge and Christian, magic was made, and Team ECK helped elevate the 2000 product to the best in the world. When ECW was swallowed up by the surging WWF machine, the beastly Rhyno gave the group its muscle, completing the RECK quartet and bringing the WWF's upper-midcard to its knees. They were the epitome of awesome, and not enough people realize it.
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Shoemaker by day, movie watcher by night.