WWE: 5 Wrestlers That Would Benefit From Having Daniel Bryan's Beard

2. Ryback

Ryback Since turning heel Ryback has taken to wearing a goofy looking hat. We can only assume that being an agent of evil gives you a really cold head as he never needed one before. Instead of this we've come up with a totally unique use for Daniel Bryan's beard that we think you'll agree is completely ingenious. Instead of using Bryan's beard to make Ryback's chin area appear wilder (and to presumably catch some of the food he's constantly eating - "Feed me more") why not transplant it on to the TOP of his head instead. That way his head wont be cold, it's way cooler than a silly hat and the adjoining hair that would normally sit atop the top lip can be used like a Luchadore's mask to help conceal his identity. A hairy masked Ryback is way scarier than a bald one with strange teeth. We're sure you'd agree?

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.