WWE: 6 NXT Wrestlers Who Will Be The Future Of WWE

3. Big E Langston OK, so Big E looks like a throwback to WCW Thunder but he's one of the most entertaining stars on the whole NXT roster. So far Langston has been a squash act just like Skip 'Ryback' Sheffield's character, except the big difference here is Langston is charismatic and has picked up on the old King Kong Bundy gimmick of utilising a 5 count instead of the standard 3, just to illustrate to the world how much of a beating he has administered to his opponent. This is definitely an idea that needs carrying through to the main roster as it will help him stand out from the pack and also give WWE something to work with when trying to get him over.

Dream Opponents: John Cena, Ryback

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.