WWE: 6 Reasons Why Damien Sandow Could Be The Next Rick Rude

4. The Pompous Pretty Boy

In the ring, Rick Rude was constantly paired with an everyman wrestler and crowd favorite €“ his feud with Jake "The Snake" Roberts comes to mind. But it enhanced his character by proving, beyond a doubt, that "Wow maybe this guy is the sexiest man alive." He was unrelatable to the common fan, and his machismo made us in the crowd feel inferior. Rude was breaking hearts before the "Heart Break Kid" had ever come into existence. He would mock his opponents by having their women spray painted onto the groin area of his tights. He'd disrobe, and give every female in the crowd The Rude Awakening. In contrast, Damien Sandow's conceited character works better before disrobing €“ beard flowing, holding the mic as a chalice, and waxing philosophical against the backdrop of George Frideric Handel's "Messiah". Once he gets to the ring, at least with the booking the way it is, it's almost a foregone conclusion that he'll squander away victory screaming on the mat in his pink tights.

Thom Fain is a journalist with more than a thousand bylines across the web. He's written for 155+ publications from local to international, covering topics like politics and sports. Thom enjoys the athletic spectacle of NJPW, and the excellence of its Japanese tradition.