WWE: 7 Greatest Innovations To The Wrestling Business

5. Elaborate Superstar Entrances

The concept of theme music on a wrestling show likely can't be traced back to WWE. It could be a boxing thing where a fighter enters the arena before a big fight. Once again, though, WWE took something that was a basic concept and they perfected it by making it their own. One of the things that WWE has done over hte years is start off most entrance songs with some kind of catchphrase or noise before the music even starts. You will hear a "woo" before Ric Flair walks that aisle. A "GONG" will sound before The Undertaker enters the building. In Steve Austin's case, the glass broke before he marched down to the ring with the kind of attitude that nobody else had. The right song goes a long way in making a superstars (or a team) feel important. Look at some famous tag teams as an example. The Legion of Doom wore spiked shoulder pads before the match started. They didn't wrestle in them. They just wore them to intimidate opponents. Think about the New Age Outlaws, who went from being a couple of midcarders going nowhere to a tag team that was special party because of the creative introductions that the Road Dogg was able to convey using the microphone. It's more than a song in WWE, though. Remember the Brood's entrance when they would elevate onto the stage? In today's current WWE, The Shield doesn't enter the ring like everybody else. They come through the crowd just like Edge & Christian did. It's their own thing to make them stand out from the pack. A wrestler's persona involves more than simply what they say or do in the ring. It encompasses everything they do and that's evident when you see make their entrance in an arena.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.