WWE: 7 Reasons Why Triple H Is Best For Business

3. Charisma & Microphone Skills

Triple H B Why is Triple H good for our screens right now? It doesn't matter about whether he can lace up a pair of boots, as that isn't his role. What he does do is speak his mind and run the show. Well, Triple H is as charismatic as they come; his time in D-X served to show that. He can also pick up a microphone and cut promos that can be dynamic, comedic or just fuel a storyline, as shown here: He has been involved in major storylines over the past 15 years because he can tell a story; he goes into a match with his natural charisma and his intensity to portray the right emotions and sell the storyline to the crowd, like with Randy Orton & Legacy vs. The McMahons. These skills will be key as he moves the company past the Era of Vince, as he will need to take all the attention away from Vince and make his own company. The most important part of this will be in front of the camera. The most successful era of wrestling had an authority figure that was rebelled against and attacked; Vince had people that feared him and he also had people that supported him. Now, the most successful time in the PG Era has the same thing, but in the form of Triple H. I believe there would be no benefit in taking Triple H off screen now. He is a huge help to the storylines because he can dip between being just a backstage persona that forces the faces into hard situations, and becoming heavily involved in storylines like he is now, with Randy Orton/Daniel Bryan. He can be the connection that brings everything together when it comes to PPVs. The last sets of GM's just haven't lived up to the task of being either face or heel; they have just seemed to exist, and are often mere pawns on a chessboard as soon as the McMahons get involved e.g. Brad Maddox. They need to scrap the idea of having a GM consistently, and just let Stephanie and Triple H run the show. Leave Vince out of it, leave Vickie out of it and leave Teddy Long out of it. So, let's see why else he is good for business...

I am a long-time wrestling fan, sports enthusiast and gamer. I love to drum and I am now studying Politics at Northumbria University!