The weeks after WrestleMania usually mean a reset in WWE. It can be compared to a professional sports league in that WrestleMania is the end of one season while Raw the night after is the beginning of the next season. It's fair to say that the WWE year goes from WrestleMania to WrestleMania. In the case of Cesaro and his former allies Zeb Colter & Jack Swagger, the new WWE year meant changes for all of them. Cesaro was getting cheered by the WWE Universe prior to WrestleMania and the assumption was that he would go babyface after it, but it appears as though he's still in the heel role except that he's now a "Paul Heyman Guy" with an even brighter future. That's great for him, but what about Colter & Swagger? Colter went on Twitter a couple of days ago to say that he was looking for some new Real Americans. It would be a travesty if they ended the gimmick, so it's an encouraging sign that they are looking to fill Cesaro's void with one or two wrestlers. It might be in WWE's best interest to have two wrestlers join just to solidify the group even more. If it's just one person then that guy can definitely form a team with Swagger and possibly win tag team gold in the near future. Here's a list of seven men that could benefit from joining the Real Americans group. Most are currently heels while others are babyfaces that could use a new direction. All of them could work well in a tag team with Swagger or as singles stars that could get some midcard titles sooner rather than later.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.