WWE: 8 Locations for WrestleMania 30

8. Wembley Stadium (London, England)

Why it might: If SummerSlam 1992 and the two annual trips to British shores are anything to go by, tickets will sell like hot cakes. If WWE truly want to live by the once in a lifetime tags they give their events, this is one that would certainly fit the bill. They promote themselves as a global brand, so it would be a perfect opportunity to take their biggest success and push it worldwide. The UK is the WWE's second biggest market and the gate income would largely overshadow the U.S. domestic buy rate with people from all corners of Europe paying through the nose to get a seat. Why it might not: The 5-9 hour time difference cannot be overlooked. While the weekly TV shows can be taped and shown at the usual time slot, spoilers are still plastered all over the Internet. If the same time delay was used for Mania, who will be willing to fork out money for something they can read the results to online? The alternative is hoping that folk in LA would be willing to order the PPV at 11am, which is risky and should surely be tried and tested at a lesser event first to ensure minimum damage if reception is poor. There's no getting around the weather, either. Although many of the same problems of an open roof will be met at the MetLife (such as the cold), at Wembley you are nearly guaranteed showers and the paying customers on the open floor would most likely get drenched. It seems that SummerSlam 2012 was an all too perfect time for another UK PPV - the 20 year anniversary and coming off the huge success of the Olympics - and yet the WWE never capitalised. Maybe because they just don't plan to have a PPV there. So just where will WrestleMania go for its 30th edition? Well, it won't be long until we find out.

Film buff and video game enthusiast, with a major love for sports.