WWE: 8 Pathetic Wrestling Finishers That Wouldn't Hurt A Fly

4. Rough Ryder (Zack Ryder)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2HE0WspBKs Zack Ryder might not be your favourite wrestler, but you have to admire the way he pulled himself back into WWE's television plans by launching his own YouTube channel. It allowed him to bring his sense of humour to the forefront and it went over incredibly well with the fans, relaunching his dying career to the point where he became United States Champion for a couple of months. Ryder's pretty talented in the ring too, but his finisher, the Rough Ryder, divides fans like you would not believe. When used on an opponent like Dolph Ziggler, it looks pretty good (then again, Dolph makes EVERYTHING look good). Any other time, it looks like an unbelievably weak finisher €“ athletic but weak.
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