WWE: 9 Most Frustrating Aspects Of The WWE Network

4. Intentional Nudity Is Censored

It would be very perverted and outright wrong to complain that clearly unintentional wardrobe malfunctions are censored, so that's not what this is about. This gripe is about the times that competitors and the company itself were willing to show nudity, and the fact that those situations are now censored on the Network despite rating systems and parental locking already being in place. Whether it is the satisfaction of Miss Kitty flashing the audience after a bra and panties match or the horrific site of Mae Young showing the world her breasts, it feels incomplete to have these moments censored. There is also the fact that WWE stated that they were delivering unedited content, which is turning out to be a half-truth. It probably won't ever happen, but it would be nice if WWE took advantage of all the parental securities in place to actually block off the adult-oriented content from minors. Similar to the language argument, these safeguards serve no purpose at the moment, which begs the question as to why they even exist. At least Sable's hand-printed breasts aren't censored; although that's technically not nudity. It's still a small victory for men everywhere though!
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WWE Network
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.