WWE: Are These 9 New Reality TV Shows Coming To The WWE Network?

7. WWE Dirty Jobs

WWE Dirty Jobs is another pitch taking a successful reality television show and "WWE-ifying" it. Described as being "just like the Discovery channel reality series of the same name," the series would feature WWE talents given the task to perform unpleasant jobs. Examples given include going into Chicago Sewers (CM Punk! CM Punk!) and picking up garbage in NYC. On Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, host Mike Rowe finds himself doing all sorts of...dirty jobs. A WWE version can certainly be successful as well. Current WWE talent can find themselves working occupations unique to whatever city or town they are in. To make the show even simpler to produce, WWE could have their talent working the "dirty" jobs required to running a live televised wrestling event. Seeing a WWE superstar discover what a specific crew member has to do so that everything comes together so they can perform in the ring that night would also be lightyears more interesting than watching said superstar trudging through sewers and diving through dumpsters. Then again, surely one could argue that "professional wrestler" itself is a dirty enough job as it is.
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Matt Binder hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.