1. Gentle Hunter
For many, this is the most touching moment of the week. But Im possibly a horrible person, so this is the worst! During the most recent Raw, a young child was chanting Hunters name, so he turned around and told him to stop messing with him. Good for him! Unfortunately, this caused the kid to cry. This was enough for Hunter to break character and comfort the child. Lou Thesz, Mr. Wrestling 1 and Harley Race are rolling in their graves! Wait. Race is still alive? Well Ill be... Now Im not saying that HHH should have given that kid a Pedigree (though Im not saying he shouldnt have either), but something about the top heel in the company telling a child it's all make believe doesn't sit right with me. I mean, wrestling is still kind of like a play. Wrestlers are actors performing a role, and should be in that role until the audience is gone. Whoever is playing King Hamlet wouldnt stop to tell a kid that hes not actually dead! Back in my day, Dr. D would have slapped me in the face if I was verbally harassing him! And I would have deserved it too! Well, times have changed, and maybe this is just something Ill have to learn to deal with. Its probably good that were years past the point of wrestlers and audience members attacking each other, but I still cant help long for the days of wrestlers always pretending its real while the camera is rolling. But hey, at least it allowed Hunter to go on Good Morning America for two minutes to re-tell the story. And stroking his ego is always what's best for business. Time to kick out. Agree? Disagree? What was your worst wrestling moment of the week? Sound off below and thanks for reading!