WWE Backlash 2020: 10 Best Internet Reactions To The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever

2. Finisher Fest

Randy Orton and Edge would stop at nothing to best each other - and that meant resorting to other superstars' finishers to get the job done. From the Olympic Slam and the Pedigree to the Rock Bottom and the Unprettier, this one took the typical finisher-fest close to a whole new level. But not even that could keep either one of these men down.

However, with endless finishers come endless kickouts - and that, of course, reminded the WWE Universe of a certain big match superstar who would have undoubtedly relished the chance to kick out of so many finishing moves.

Orton vs. Cena, 67457 anyone?


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.