WWE Backlash 2020: 20 Things You Probably Missed
Get out of the damn ring, cameraman!

Piped-in "this is awesome" chants, a posthumous ring introduction from fallen favourite Howard Finkel, the old MSG drop-down mic from WrestleMania I and a hell of a lot of overdubs and repeated spots. Yeah, the main event of Backlash 2020 was certainly a trip, but Edge and Randy Orton were up against it.
WWE's "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" branding put heaps of pressure on both men's shoulders, and they were never going to live up to the billing despite having one hell of a scrap. Forget the regrettable hype for a second though, because Edge and Orton deserve plaudits for going in there and having a bout they can be super-proud of.
That was a classic, even without the a proper live crowd, and it provided a fair few little hidden gems you might've missed. Outside the headliner, Backlash was rammed with easter eggs, sneaky moments and other easily missed treats.
Prepare to watch the pay-per-view again, only this time through the eyes of someone who watched it twice so he could identify all of these disguised and sly lil' tidbits from what was actually a pretty fun show...